So, first things first. Where is Goldsmid Hall? This is a good question. A veeeeeeery good question.

See that adorable little A? That is Goldmid House. Cute, right? The next good question to ask is where is it in relation to UCL and other UCL housing? To answer you there I will provide another map (I love maps now! yay!). Here it is.

Where is it though? There's no longer a little A to mark it's place! Don't worry, beloved reader, it is easy to find still. See the little dot near what has been marked Victoria? It is the southmost dot? Yes, friends, that is Goldsmid House. It is approximately 2.9 miles away from UCL and 3.5 miles away from where at least some of my Pomona friends live. Now, at first I was rather nervous about this. I mean, I like walking and all but...3 miles? I was pretty sure that I was going to end up a loner and lost and in a terrible state but...I gotta admit, I kinda like the walk. One of these days I'm going to stop being so lazy and take pictures along the walk to school for your viewing pleasure but right now suffice it to say that my walk is beautiful. I pass Buckingham Palace, parks, Trafalgar Square, the National Portrait Museum (I think) and some other really cool stuff. Seriously, it's a lovely time. And it's excellent exercise, very invigorating.
This is the street I live on! Gillingham Street. It's this little baby street with probably the best name ever. Seriously, say it out loud. Gillingham Street. So cute!
Ok, onto my actual room. Pomona is paying for our linens and boy are they fancy. And by fancy I mean airplane quality with these classy covers to prevent you from dwelling on the fact of their...specialness. But I can't really complain. The bed is comfortable enough for me to sleep and the covers aren't too warm which I actually really like (Minnesotan blood, word). Plus, we didn't get to chose ANYTHING, but blue and green happen to be my favorite colors (er, colours?) so yay random good fortune!
I have a box of a closet (I don't actually know what that's called) with one shelf and 5 hangers. It's actually a pretty decent set up for me. I put my socks and other stuff in my desk drawers as there aren't any proper drawers in the clothing thing. It functions well enough!
Lastly, we have my desk. It is currently home to my laptop, chargers, rosemary and sea salt crackers, makeup, nail polish, eye care stuff and piles of paper that are probably important. I think.
All in all, this room is pretty alright. I like the walk and the tube ride isn't terrible. The tube isn't sketchy like the subway in other places (*cough* New York *cough*). My room is comfortable and totally functional. I have yet to figure out how to shave my legs in the shower as there is no space (sorry if that's tmi) but it's nice to have one of my own (bonus points, it has a movable shower head!). The kitchen is clean and really nice. And now it is time for me to go to bed. I've got to remember that I have class in the morning and need to be responsible! :)
Good night and cheers!
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