I am so sick right now. There is some serious congestion going on up in my face. Oh my goodness, I am sneezing so much right now, it's rather unfortunate and has been making life a little bit difficult. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. Needless to say, man voice has hit HARD. And it's not roguish, jazzy man voice (although I'm not sure it actually ever is...), this time it's like the Brawny guy had a baby with a muppet. Nasally speech is so not cute and man voice is not so cute so together they are NOT SO CUTE. Oh well. I'm going to try to sleep a bunch.
Update: I didn't manage to post this before I fell asleep at 6:00 last night and woke up at 6:30 this morning. Dear god, I needed that.

On Monday Steven, Meredith, Meredith's friend Mia and I went to Chipotle! They have brown rice! I haven't seen that before but it was DELICIOUS. Also, their beef is "farm assured" so...that's good. I got a vegetarian burrito. Unfortunately, it was almost £7. And they don't have a difficult enough time folding the burrito! It was way too easy which clearly means that it was way too small, seeing as how the charm of Chipotle burritos is that they are ENORMOUS and then you get two good meals out of it! Actually, this one was still pretty big.
Ok, I'll update more later today. I have class soon and need to get ready.
Much love and cheers!