I feel like I'm on a roll. Quick note: DO NOT EXPECT THIS TO ACTUALLY BE A THING. Not the blog, but the constant updating. I think it's going to slow down quite a bit when classes start tomorrow. That being said, I'll try to post little tidbits throughout the week. A couple sentences about something random here and there. We'll see. The "that being said" having, in fact, been said, let's get onto the events of today. :)
I slept in again today which was nice. Perhaps I'm finally coming around to a normal sleeping pattern. It was dodgy there for a bit, voluntarily waking up at 5:30AM is generally what I consider the first sign of the apocalypse. I've overshot a little now and will hopefully get on a solid schedule this week. Yay! I think I'm also going to try to totally cut caffeine out of my life (aside from the occasional Starbucks) because, quite frankly, there are a lot cooler things I can be spending my money on and it messes up my sleep cycle. So, there it is, perhaps a semi-public declaration will force me to actually stick to the change. I guess we will see.
I met Kun-Wei and Anjali at Hyde Park today. I love that I can wake up, get ready, and then just stroll along to Buckingham Palace and Hyde Park. It takes...10 minutes? Maybe. It feels like 5 but I think it has to be more than that. We went for a lovely stroll along a long lake in the middle of the park. My map calls half of it The Serpentine and half of it The Long Water. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that it is lovely and awesome. Growing up in Edina taught me to appreciate walking around lakes and it's rather comforting to know I can do that here with relative ease. I love Pomona dearly, but Claremont is rather lacking in the lake department. There's something so relaxing about strolling around a decent sized body of water, watching the reflections and gentle ripples. The swans are also pretty sweet. Apparently, swans (mute swans, that is) are considered property of The Crown in England and to hunt them is illegal. Which really sucks for me because I was totally planning on doing that. :( Curse you English Law and your unreasonable restrictions! Seriously, they are way to graceful and elegant to even want to hurt. I solemnly swear to Her Royal Majesty that I will do my very best to avoid maiming, killing or even bothering a swan (but only of the mute variety!) while I am a delighted guest in her country. There. Now that's all sorted, so here are some pictures!
I love water when it's not falling from the sky. :) And today had just the right amount of wind. I like a good breeze. Mmmmm...
Did you find us? If yes: good and congratulations! If no: I'm sorry but I really can't let you continue to read until you do. Good luck, suckas! Next up: me at Hyde Park in my super badass leather jacket...from Gap, a statue of Peter Pan, and fairies conversing with what I'm pretty sure is a ninja squirrel. Oh yeah, they have ninja squirrels over here too. Although they seem less ninja-y than the ones at school. I will have to think of a new name. Maybe I'll take submissions. Sooooo...suggestions?
See?? Do you see? It is an alien spaceship. And if I stand by it everyday, all day I will probably see the Doctor. Preferably the 10th Doctor. But really I'll take any of them. Yeeeeeeeeeesssssssss...good life plans brought to you by Kelsey. Let me just say right now, self, you are welcome. Ok, now that's over, here are some more park pictures.
Ultimate conclusions from today. The park is pretty. It will be a repeat destination. I will be returning there quite frequently I hope, perhaps with running shoes. After the park, we took the tube back to Kun-Wei and Anjali's dorm where we watched "The Holiday" (cute in a rom-commy sort of way) with Rachel and then got Indian food to go. It was nice to have something other than a sandwich. Really nice. I walked back which was lovely and did not get lost, mugged or even pickpocketed which was even lovelier. I think if I force myself to walk a bunch now, it'll be second nature soon. Even when my legs are tired, I've found walking to be...both exhilarating and relaxing. I don't know. It's just all around awesome. I'm liking city life.
Much love and cheers until next time!
Dude, every time I see the Millennium Gate in Chicago, a little piece of me always wonders if it's not some kind of alien craft. Good call on the Giant Metal Disk of Strangeness.
ReplyDelete*Millennium Park Cloud Gate