On Tuesday I had Evolution in Science and Culture and London Before the Great Fire. I love my evolution class so much. So so so much. It's actually like someone was like, "Let's make the perfect class for Kelsey...let's see...what would make her super happy?..." and then they made it into a class. Oh my goodness, it is SO COOL. And SO INTERESTING. And just SO AWESOME. London Before the Great Fire is pretty sweet too. We went to the Museum of London and checked out some ruins. We saw the ruins of part of the old Roman wall around Londinium (that's the name of London when it was run by the Romans) and the ruins of a Roman fort. We actually got to STAND in the ruins. It kind of takes one's breath away. I mean, the sheer weight of all that history is rather awe-inspiring. Something about standing at that site and then getting to look at all the Roman artifacts really hit me, and I found myself contemplating my place in history and our current time's place in history and the fact that someday, our society will almost certainly not exist in the way that Rome's Londinium no longer exists... It was interesting.
Part of the assignment for touring the museum was that we had to check out the gift shop at the end. The gift shop had tacky recreations of artifacts, fake aliens guns that made obnoxious noises, more candy than you could shake a tapestry at and lots of books-some more relevant than others. The shop also had these:
Dear Sameera, oh my god, can you make these please???? How cute are they? I know the answer! The answer is too cute. Way way way too cute. Like, the cutest. Ever. OH MY GOD THEY ARE SO CUTE! *Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel*
Ok, so after the museum, Kun-Wei and I walked back to UCL. On the way, we stopped at St. Paul's Cathedral. You know, because it was just on the way. No big deal. :P
Ok, so Wednesday was basically the best day EVER. We had classes which we cool, Cellular Neurophysiology and Developmental Neurobiology are pretty alright. Also, classes totally don't feel like they last an hour...but apparently they do? I mean, they definitely do. It feels like we aren't in class enough. Not that I'm complaining! But...yeah...it's straaaaaaaaange. After class we had plans later on so I decided to chill out in the area for a few hours. So. What does one do when you have a couple of hours near the UCL campus to kill? The British Museum!!! Seriously, one ten minute walk from campus later and I was hangin' with a crystal skull and stuff from 2,500 BC Mesopotamia. Woah. It was so cool. I love that place so much. After spending some time there I left and read in a park with a fountain for a while. Mmmm, the fountain made me think of Pomona. I felt so at home. :) It was a beautiful park and the book ("The Girl Who Played with Fire"-another of Meredith's books) is delightful. In a somewhat disturbing sort of way...
Why hello Mr. Skull. Were you made by the Aztecs? No, not at all. Do you have magical powers? Lollerskates. Nope. But it's ok! You are still really cool!
Necklaces! Super old jewelry stuff! Woo! God, this stuff is SO COOL.
FOUNTAIN!!!!!! It is a FOUNTAIN!!!!
After all that I went back to campus and met the other Pomona students at out liaison's office. We went with her to THE MOST DELICIOUS AND FILLING EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE. We had English Afternoon Tea at the British Museum (twice in one day, woot woot!) and it was INCREDIBLE. I'm going to go ahead and let the pictures speak for themselves.
Yes, that is three layers of PURE METAPHORICAL GOLD. And it came with a pot of Earl Grey Tea. That I put milk in. Because I'm learning how to be English!

Scones with jam and clotted cream. Soooooooooooo delicious.
Classy finger sandwiches filled with things like cream cheese and cucumber and smoked salmon. And other delicious sandwichey things.
I feel like this layer doesn't even need explaining. I hadn't eaten lunch and it was 4:30 when we had this but I still couldn't do much more than waddle out of the museum afterwards. It was such a satisfying fullness. This is the best meal I've had here. And it was free for me! Yay! I will definitely be dreaming of this years from now. I certainly still am now. :D
We also went out with the neuro students again. It was fun, I learned how to play Cheers Gov'ner which was rather entertaining. We were going to go to a club but an hour or so of waiting in line was enough for me so I headed back and slept. This was in the midst of my cold so I think I made the right choice. Probably. Actually, definitely.
Thursday I slept the epic amount. Then on Friday I went to a UCL neuro students birthday party! It was my first socializing event without other Pomona people around. O.o I keep waiting for the day when I'm not incredibly awkward with new people. I mean, it shouldn't be that difficult, right? But then I wind up overthinking everything and getting worried that speaking too much will be an unwanted imposition for those around me so I wind up being the awkward, silent girl who smiles a lot but doesn't really say much of anything. Which is more awkward than talking but...easier, I guess. Uuuuuuuugh, I'll figure it out eventually. Right?
I drew a cartoon for you guys! It's all about me being awkward! Yay?
Much love and cheers!
Regarding the squishy yarnies you called my attention to in this post:
ReplyDeletewat the fack are they?
You're so awesome. Awkward can be awesome, right?
ReplyDeleteI will totally crochet you a slice of cake!!