Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch.
Ok, my feet hurt so badly right now. I didn't quite make it to 500 miles today but my feet certainly feel like I did. In reality I actually walked approximately 15 miles today. And over half of that was in shoes that I have since realized were not really meant to be walked in that long. Or half the long. Or...well, you get the picture. Let's do the math really quick...
To school: 3 miles
From school: 3 miles
To school: 3 miles
To pub: 1.5 miles
From pub: 1.5 miles
From school: 3 miles
Total: ~15 miles (probably a bit more actually)
So, I walked to school this morning for Evolution and Science and Culture. We covered Darwin's biography, which was absolutely delightful. Did you know that Darwin made a pros and cons list (well...marry/not marry list) when he was considering whether or not he should get married? Did you know that his "marry" list included "object to be loved and played with -better than a dog anyhow" as well of "charms of music and female chit-chat...but terrible lost of time?" I didn't but I'm so glad to know now! Seriously, it's pretty freaking awesome. Darwin...such a romantic. *sigh*
After class (which my friend, Steven, is adding because linguistics is not nearly as cool as evolution or something like that), I wandered around a tiny bit, idly considering heading back to my dorm. I wound up walking through the Waterstones Bookstore near campus. There is something so inherently relaxing about bookstores. I think it's in large part due to the smell. New books have a very comforting aroma. It was nice. :) Steven texted and we grabbed a quick sandwich and then I headed back to my dorm (room doesn't really communicate the experience). After bumming around for a while, I headed back to campus, this time wearing a very smart ruffled skirt, fishnet sort of tights and my black boots. This was a mistake. I found that out later.
I WENT TO SKEPTICS IN THE PUB. I WENT I WENT I WENT. More people were supposed to go but it wound up just being Steven and I. It was held at The Monarch Bar in Camden (~1.5 miles from campus) and featured a talk by Chris Snowdon, author of The Spirit Level Delusion. It was a really interesting discussion about practices in the social sciences, and data skewing. I enjoyed it immensely.
And I drank a Guinness. That is a one time thing. Because Guinness (and beer in general) is really really gross. But I drank the whole pint. Steven tried a sip but I drank the rest of it. Is it terrible that I'm proud of that? Because I am. I did it for skepticism. And for the experience.
After that I walked back to the UCL campus with Steven and then stubbornly decided to walk back to my dorm. It was a "Oh I Can Probably Do This What the Hell" kind of thing that very quickly turned into a "Why the HELL Am I Doing This to Myself F*** F*** F***" of thing that I insisted on finishing because I had started it. Good lord. Sometimes...just...sometimes, man.
So that's where I'm at. London is still lovely. Classes are lovely. Walking is lovely but my feet aren't (sorry for the graphic picture I'm about to include). Skeptics are lovely. Guinness is not lovely but ordering a pint in a pub is. Life is generally lovely!
Much love and cheers!
I actually can't believe I did this to myself. Ow. Never again. What the pictures do not show is the matching blister/callus hybrid thingies on the balls of my feet. OUCH.