Thursday, February 24, 2011

Slight Detour

At the suggestion of one of my flatmates, I went to the Science Museum Late on last night. Science Museum Lates happen once a month and are when the museum is open to adults from 7-10. Steven came too. Unfortunately, no one else was able to make it. :( However, we did a pub quiz which was super fun! We got put on a team with two other students and an older woman. The students? Turns out they're from UCL. Also, the girl lives by one of the Pomona students. And the guy? Steven's next door neighbor. Literally next door neighbor. Anyways, the Science Museum is totally awesome and I'm going to need to go there during the day to check out the History of Medicine exhibit, because that looks FREAKING AWESOME. Anyways, I was walking back from the museum and I accidentally missed the street I was supposed to turn down. And ran into Harrod's. All lit up. I will have to swing by there when I go to the Science Museum. I can look through a bunch of stuff that I will never be able to afford! Woo!

It may be full of ridiculously overpriced things, but it's beautiful at night!

Today while walking back from lunch (toasted sandwich with ham, brie and tomato...mmmmmm) I decided to take an extremely slight detour and walk through St. James Park. It's gorgeous. And it made me feel like spring. I love spring. And the park. And this city. And detours.

Much love and cheers!

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