Ok, so, Madeline is AMAZING. Super amazing. Like, the most amazing. She introduced me to this wonderful little application called Paintbrush. Now, Paintbrush would be pretty sweet just because it is the Mac version of Paint which I had loved so much on the old family PC, but it is EXTRA SWEET because it is free! Sometimes the internet makes me grumpy. Ok, the internet makes me grumpy rather awesome. Wait. Ok, I just realized how nonsensical that last sentence was and I was going to delete it but...it's just too quintessentially me. A touch silly and distracted but trying to go somewhere and say something. I don't know if that last sentence made any sense either. Whatever. The point is that the internet can make me grumpy, but it has it's awesome moments. Also, I'm addicted to it. So I downloaded Paintbrush and now I'm addicted to that too. Crap. In the spirit of Hyperbole and a Half I have decided to post some of my drawings. But they don't tell an awesome story like Hyperbole and a Half. They're just here.
My first attempt at using Paintbrush is dedicated to Madz. She uses Paintbrush way better than I do but that's cool. It gives me something to aspire to! No matter how unrealistic that aspiration is. Anyways, without further ado, this is Acton the Danish Unicorn.

So this is Acton the Danish Unicorn proudly wearing a Danish flag while heating up an almost unrecognizable danish (the pastry) with FIRE. It is also dedicated to Madeline. Ignore the crazy look in his eyes, you'd look crazy too if you were freaking snort fire out of your nostrils to warm up your delicious snack. This next one is dedicated to Sameera. Whose text instructing me not to blink one night freaked me out so badly that I still have difficulty walking past the angel statue near Buckingham Palace. Um, that sounds super lame and wimpy but watch the Weeping Angels episode of Doctor Who. Because that stuff was FREAKY.

So, there it is. Paintbrush is the best. It has been a lovely de-stressor. If anyone has requests I'd be happy to try oblige. :D
Much love and cheers!
Thanks for that. Now I won't be able to turn corners without putting a mirror around them first. Just in case there are angels. Or basilisks.